Our Positions for March 9, 2022 Commission Meeting
We've reviewed the agenda, at over 100 items, and have highlighted what we feel are most relevant to our members.  Community feedback is an integral part of the local governing process.  Email addresses are at the bottom for our elected and professional leaders.
C4J: Referral to discuss traffic incidents at Dade/Purdy Intersection
  • STRONGLY SUPPORT. Three weeks ago a Miami Beach resident was tragically and needlessly killed while riding his bicycle through this intersection.  We are supportive of this item as placed on the agenda.  We aren't waiting though -- and have already begun to work with City/County staff on a concept that would apply best practices and NACTO design treatments to make this intersection safer -- and help prevent this from happening again.
C7K: Resolution urging FDOT to include protected bicycle lanes on Collins Ave from 26-44 Streets as part of upcoming project
  • STRONGLY SUPPORT.  Together with our partners in Mid-Beach, we worked hard to bring FDOT to the table and urge them to consider bicycle lanes as part of this upcoming roadway restoration and safety project.  They have agreed to design and construct a protected bicycle lane along Collins Avenue through the dense, walkable, and urban Mid-Beach neighborhood pending a Resolution from our City Commission.  We expect strong support from  all 7 members of the Commission. 
C7V: Resolution directing City Administration to study utilizing two alleys, Alton Ct and Meridian Ct, as "safe alternative bicycle routes"
  • STRONGLY OPPOSE. While likely with good intentions, this proposal could put bicyclists, especially the less experienced, in great danger. Alleys are not designed for through traffic and have uncontrolled intersections, poor sight lines, and this does not follow best practices.  We wish the bicycling community was consulted prior to this item placed on the agenda.
R7A: Amendments to the FY2022 Capital Budget
  • STRONGLY OPPOSE. Includes $1.6 million to repave Washington Avenue.  We have strong feelings following the elimination of the protected/buffered bicycle lanes on Washington Avenue.  The prior study, in the Neighborhoods Committee, should resume, and this money should be reserved for multi-modal improvements to the corridor.  Once again, $$ resources are not our limiting factor in making our City a better and safer place to walk or bike.  It's the decisions among our elected and professional leaders.
R7F: Resolution directing City Administration to study and review amount of parking eliminated as part of West Avenue neighborhood improvement project and to evaluate alternative design approaches.
  • STRONG CONCERNS.  While we understand the concerns among some residents on the amount of parking to be eliminated, we have strong concerns on the West Ave project, especially as it relates to the bicycle lanes, their design, protection and also intersection treatments.  Furthermore, in 2012, the City entered into an agreement with FDOT to build bicycle lanes on West Avenue in lieu of Alton Road.  We are concerned that the new focus on parking will result in further degradation of the proposed bicycle facilities through the neighborhood.
R7I: Resolution directing City Administration to negotiate an agreement with PepsiCo for vending on City-owned properties for a 10-year period
  • SUGGESTION.  While not directly transportation related, we would suggest to the extent possible that as part of negotiations the City consider the size of delivery vehicles.  Large delivery trucks have negative externalities on our small City streets.  They require large loading zones, wide sweeping corners, drivers often double park (in bicycle lanes), and in a collision these trucks can be deadly to bicyclists and pedestrians.
View Full Agenda
Contact our elected and professional leaders:

Commission Meeting Information:

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Public Comment: 8:30 AM/ 1:00 PM (Approx)

City Hall Chambers, 3rd Floor

1.301.715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499
Meeting ID 813 928 576 71