Better Streets Miami Beach Logo

Published: March 26, 2023
Updated: March 27, 2023

UPDATE: The sponsor deferred, without discussion, the item to the April 28, 2023 meeting.

Pedestrian curb extensions, commonly known as bulbs outs, are at risk in the Mid-Beach neighborhood just south of 41 Street. There is a resolution on the March 27 Commission agenda that would direct the city to remove the bulb outs along 40 Street and the side streets leading towards 41 Street. This critical safety infrastructure is vital to traffic calming in the area. We believe that removing these bulb outs would not only jeopardize the safety of pedestrians, but it would also send a message that the city is not committed to pedestrian safety. The nearby area has North Beach Elementary School, numerous religious intuitions, and a significant population that relies on walking, not only on the Sabbath but also throughout the week.  Furthermore, the City Administration has recommend against their removal. The lack of input from the surrounding community is very concerning. Send a message to the Commissioners by filling out the “call to action”!

Save The Bulbs Outs! Let Our Elected Leaders Know!

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